Property without a known Postal Address

Title Register

The Title Register is one of the 3 main documents of title. It contains a description of the property, its tenure, the name and address of the owners, purchase price, name & address of mortgagee and short details of other burdens, charges, covenants, rights, cautions, notices and restrictions.

Title Plan

The Title Plan is another main document of title. It shows a detailed outline of the property in relation to its surroundings, and often (especially with larger properties) has detailed and coloured markings referred to in the Title Register that illustrate rights of way, rights of access, watercourses and sections of land affected by rights and covenants. The general boundaries of the property itself are edged in red.


The Burdens section of the title Register contain a precis of each Burden affecting the property. They are so detailed that generally a copy of the actual Deed creating the Burden is not necessary.

Sasine Register

In addition to maintaining a Land Register of registered properties the Scotland Land Registry also maintain a record of the Sasine Registrations, that is the pre-registration land deed records.

Purchasing a copy of the Sasine Records, in addition to the Title Register, Plan & Burdens, is a prudent step for anyone wishing to have a complete record of their property ownership deeds.


Search Pack Required

Price: £39.95

Documents Included
  • Property Title Register
  • Property Title Plan
  • Burdens
  • Sasine Register Search
  • Ownership Searches Information Pack
  • These documents are usually provided the same day when ordered within office hours

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