Rights of Way Resolution Pack

Rights of Way may exist over private land or public land. Rights of Way over private land are known as easements and only apply to parcels of land that adjoin each other and only apply between the respective land owners. Rights of Way over public land are rights for the general public to pass over land not belonging to them, subject to restrictions on how they travel the route, e.g. footpaths are to be travelled by foot only, whereas bridleways may be travelled by horse, cycle or foot.

The Rights of Way search provides all documents needed to resolve private and public rights of way, or to select one or the other.

Documents Required

Price: £139.00

Documents Included
  • Title Register for each property
  • Title Plan for each property
  • Conveyancing Deeds
  • Deed Plans if available
  • Lease for one of the Properties, if applicable
  • Lease Plan, if applicable
  • Neighbourhood Environment Report
  • CROW Map centred on property
  • Boundary Information Pack with Common Law Boundary Presumptions
  • These documents are usually provided within one hour when ordered within office hours

Primary Property Details

Second Property Details

Additional Details

Your Details