Ownership of a Residential Street

Knowing who your neighbours are is becoming increasingly necessary in our modern world. This search allows you to search either:

  • All Houses in a Street
  • All Even Numbers in a Street
  • All Odd Numbers in a Street, or
  • To Specify particular properties in a Street

You will receive a copy of the Land Registry Title Register for each property selected, and this will display the name and address of each property owner, whether the property is freehold or leasehold, its purchase price, the covenants and rights affecting the property, outstanding mortgages, and a description of the property.

Where there is a freehold and leasehold title at any one property, only the leasehold title is provided. Blocks of flats are not included in the search.

Search Pack Required

Price: £19.95

Documents Included
  • Freehold Title Register for each property searched
  • Ownership Summary Spreadsheet in PDF format
  • Ownership Searches Information Pack
  • These documents are usually provided within one hour when ordered within office hours

Property Details

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