Flood Risk Report

This report provides details of physical and water features within 250 metres of the property as provided by the Environment Agency, supported by detailed flood risk maps and summaries, and with further reports from the British Geological Survey and the Norwich Union.

The report is divided into 4 primary sections:

  • Flooding from rivers and the sea
  • Surface water flooding (JBA)
  • Environment Agency historic flooding
  • BGS Groundwater flooding

Flooding from Rivers and the Sea

This section of the report commences with a detailed map centred on the property using the categories of very low risk, low risk, medium risk and high risk. The map is simple to read and the information overlaid is comprehensible and prominent. A table then supports the map findings, first in summary form for ease of reference, and then in more detail.

Surface Water Flooding (from rainwater) (JBA)

This section also commences with a detailed map, designed for ease of use. The risk of pluvial (rainwater) flooding is categorised as low, low to moderate, moderate, moderate to high, high, significant and highly significant. Each category is colour coded for ease of reference on the map. A detailed table follows the map showing the risk areas with distances and directions from the property and the level of risk category.

Environment Agency Historic Flooding

Historic Flooding details are very helpful in determining if there is a risk of flooding to the property. The map shows immediately if there has been any prior flooding. This is then followed by a table of historic flooding events, showing the dates, source of flooding (river or rain), and the cause.

Groundwater Flooding (BGS)

Groundwater flooding occurs where the geological conditions may cause flooding to occur underground, which might rise to the surface. Where rainfall is abnormally high this may result in flooding to basements and to the ground surface.

Certain areas of the country are more susceptible to groundwater flooding than others, e.g. in chalk areas and in river valleys with permeable superficial deposits.

This report from the British Geological Survey highlights the risk.

Search Pack Required

Price: £89.95

Documents Included
  • Flood Risk Search
  • Property Title Register
  • Property Title Plan
  • Information Guide
  • These documents are usually provided within 3-5 days when ordered within office hours

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