Surface Water Flooding

Article Summary

This article examines the various causes of surface water flooding and how to discover if your home is in an area subject to flood risks. It also provides a link from where you can obtain a detailed Flood Risk Report.

Heavy Rain

Surface water flooding is rain water flooding, which usually occurs as a result of very heavy rain in a short period of time. Sometimes the drainage systems in our towns are not sufficient to cope with the increased amount of rain; other times it may be that the ground has been unable to soak up the water, causing it to spill to a lower elevation.

Rain water flooding is not so easy to detect in advance as river or sea flooding, often occurring many miles away from where the rain fell. This may result in a flash flood. A flash flood is particularly dangerous as it occurs with very little notice and often carries much debris with it, such as fallen trees, large rocks, etc.

Lead Local Flood Authorities are responsible for management of the risk of surface water flooding, and they work in partnership with the Environment Agency, district councils and sewerage companies. A surface water flood risk map has been produced by them, and is part of the Flood Risk report that we sell.

Obtain a Flood Risk Report

Surface Water and Ground Water Flooding

Ground water flooding occurs where water from a stream, river or other water channel fails to cope with the amount of rainfall. In areas near rivers surface water and ground water flooding often occur together.

Flood Risk Report

Our Flood Risk Report contains 3 sections:

  • Flooding from Rivers and the Sea
  • Surface Water Flooding from Rainwater
  • Environment Agency History Flooding

Each section of the report is detailed and has a localised extract (250 metres radius around the property) from the various Environment Agency Flood Risk Maps. Details in the maps are coloured with explanatory legends. This report is not the short report that many other organisations sell, but a lengthy, detailed report. The cost of our report is £54.95.

Environment Agency Flood Risk Report

The most comprehensive and detailed Flood Risk report available, providing information supported by detailed maps for Sea and River Flooding, Rainwater Flooding and Groundwater Flooding.


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Drainage, Sewerage and Water Report

The main function of this search is to provide a detailed plan of the routes taken by drains, sewers and waterworks near the property.


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Neighbourhood Report

Details of all matters a person would usually want to know about their new neighbourhood. Planning, land use, housing, population, education and crime statistics are included in this report.


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