Short Details of Lease in your Title Register


Your Title Register contains three distinct sections, namely:

  • A: Property Register
  • B: Proprietorship Register
  • C: Charges Register

Where the property has a leasehold tenure, section A of the Title Register includes short details of the Lease.

Restriction to Part of the Property

A Note will be inserted into the property description if the lease does not include all of the building in which the property is located.

An example of such a Note is:

“NOTE: Only the second floor flat is included in the title.”

Short Details of the Lease

The Register provides three salient snippets of information from the Lease, as follows:

Date of Your Registration of the Lease
Term of the Lease
Parties to the Lease.

Many of our customers wish to know when the Lease expires. This is usually because they wish to apply for a Lease Extension under Section 42 of the Leasehold Reform Housing Act 1993. The date of expiry is found by adding the ”from date” under the term of the lease to the length of the lease.

An example of this clause is:

(22.10.2003) Short particulars of the lease(s) (or under-lease(s) under which the land is held:

Date : 10 September 2003
Term : 95 years from 25 April 1999
Parties : (1) Eveyln House Limited
(2) Joseph Bloggs

In the above example the Lease would expire in 2098.

Full Details of the Lease

The Lease itself is a lengthy document and will provide much more detail than that above. The Lease will usually have a Lease Plan attached to it, which is particularly handy for identifying shared parts of the building and identifying any allocated car parking spaces. The main purpose of the Lease is to provide detail of the covenants, easements, restrictions, etc. affecting the property.

Obtain Title Register

Obtain Lease

Obtain Lease Extension

Title Register

The Land Registry Title Register holds data relating to the property ownership, purchase price, mortgage, tenure, covenants, rights of way, leases and class of title.


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Title Plan

The Title Plan shows an outline of the property and its immediate neighbourhood, and uses colours to identify rights of way, general boundaries and land affected by covenants.


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Lease & Lease Plans

The Lease and its Lease Plan usually form one document and are both provided for the one fee. They are very useful in resolving disputes, particularly with car parking and other shared areas.


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