PPI Claim on Mortgage

Article Summary

This article explains what a PPI Claim is and shows you how to obtain the documents you need from the Land Registry to support your PPI claim. You can obtain prior copies of the Title Register showing your mortgages at different dates, together with copies of the mortgage deeds.

What is a PPI Claim

PPI is the common abbreviation for a Payment Protected Insurance policy, which has been sold to you as a condition of granting a loan, credit card or mortgage. The purpose of the insurance policy is to cover the risk of your not being able to make payments for the loan, card or mortgage, e.g. because you become ill, have been involved in an accident, lose your job, or die.

In the past lenders have been found culpable of mis-selling this type of insurance policy to their customers, the policy being useless to them, there being no possibility of their ever being able to make a claim for it.

The purpose of this article is to supply you with the information and documents you need to make a claim in regard to a mis-sold Insurance covering a mortgage.

Examples of Mis-Sold PP Insurances

  • Where the PPI policy is automatically added to a credit agreement, i.e. without your consideration of the same.
  • Where you were unemployed or self employed at the date of the policy.
  • Where you were obliged to take out the insurance as a condition of obtaining your mortgage.
  • Where you already had similar insurance in place and were not asked if you required the additional policy.
  • Where the PPI is for a shorter period than your mortgage.

Limitation Period

You can make a claim for every mis-sold PPI made to you, no matter how long ago, provided that you have been making payments under the policy during the last 6 years, which is the statutory limitation period that bars the commencement of legal proceedings for this type of tort (civil wrong).

Even where the claim would fall foul of the Limitation Period, you may still be able to make a claim for other reasons. It is likely your compensation will be lower than otherwise, however, but nevertheless, worthwhile making.

29 August 2019 Deadline

In addition to the Limitation Period the above further deadline must be met, and in some cases, the deadline may be even earlier. Accordingly, it would be wise to initiate your claim as soon as you can.

What you Need to Make Your Claim

Whether you are making your own claim or are being assisted by one of the professional bodies, you will need to obtain details of the mis-sold mortgage/s, in particular paper evidence of the mortgage, the date of the mortgage, and the name and address of the mortgagee/s.

Mortgage History for your Current Property

Your current Land Registry Title Register will provide details of your current mortgages in the C section of the Register, i.e. the date of registration of the mortgage, the name of the mortgagee, and the address of your mortgagee.

Usually, a copy of the Mortgage Deed itself can also be obtained. These 2 documents would be sufficient to satisfy the evidential requirements to prove that you have or had the mortgage. You should also provide a copy of the PPI Policy if you can, and copies of your bank statements showing the outgoing policy payments (some of them, at least). If you cannot obtain a copy of the policy, you can still proceed, as the Financial Ombudsman, the ultimate authority for this type of claim, will consider whether a reasonable person would have taken out the policy, given the circumstances.

Your current Title Register will show only the subsisting mortgages, i.e. the current entries. Previous mortgages will not be shown, so where you have remortgaged, i.e. have redeemed the mortgage and taken out a new one, you will also need to obtain one or more Prior Copies of the Title Register. A Prior Copy has to be obtained at a specific date, so you should provide a date on the application form which you know to be a date when there was a previous mortgage. You can obtain Prior Copies back to 1993, and often further back still. However, you cannot obtain them for dates prior to First Registration of your property. First Registration is, as its name implies, the date when your property first became registered at the Land Registry.

Associated Documents

Prior to First Registration your ownership documents would have consisted of a large bundle of Deeds (known as pre-registration Deeds, or Associated Documents). The Land Registry make copies of all the important Deeds, upon and after First Registration, and these can be purchased from us. They will usually contain copies of Mortgage Deeds.

Mortgage History for Previously Owned Properties

You can obtain prior copies of Title Registers and Associated Documents whether or not you still own the property. These documents can all be obtained by selecting the Title Register link in the main menu.

You may need one or more of the following documents that we are able to provide to you:

Current Title Register - where you live now £19.95
Current Title Register - previous addresses £19.95 each
Prior Copies of the Title Register for any address £19.95 each
Associated Documents £19.95 per address


We can obtain any or all of these document and get them to you by email, usually the same day as ordered.

Title Register

The Land Registry Title Register holds data relating to the property ownership, purchase price, mortgage, tenure, covenants, rights of way, leases and class of title.


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Lease & Lease Plans

The Lease and its Lease Plan usually form one document and are both provided for the one fee. They are very useful in resolving disputes, particularly with car parking and other shared areas.


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Associated Documents

Deeds creating Restrictions, Covenants, Easements, etc. are often kept digitally by the Land Registry and made available for sale due to their invaluable detail and content to assist in further understanding the Restrictions, etc.


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