Obtain Copy Conveyance

Published: 19-09-2018

Article Summary

Although the most important of the Associated Documents is now the Transfer Deed these weren't around prior to Land Registration, and instead the normal vehicle for transferring ownership of one property to another was the Conveyance Deed. Conveyance Deeds have a similar function as Transfer Deeds, and contain similar information.

Contents of a Conveyance

Many conveyances are handwritten although later conveyances are typed. Even the typed version may be difficult to read as they are not usually broken up into headings and paragraphs, and need to be read as one long document. Punctuation is also not added, save for new paragraphs. The following matters will be included, however, but you will need to look carefully for them:


The names and addresses of the vendor and purchaser are provided, together with the nature of the estate being conveyed, i.e. the freehold or leasehold ownership.


The consideration clause states what is being paid for the property, which is usually a sum of money, and states the amount. If the conveyance is to reflect a gift then the consideration would be something similar to "the natural love and affection of the vendor for the purchaser".

The Property

The address of the property is provided, together with a description of it when appropriate, e.g.

"all that piece of land situate at Radipole in the Borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in the County of Dorset containing an area of Six Hundred and Fifty Three square yards or thereabouts and having a frontage on or towards the North of Forty feet or thereabouts to the centre line of Bolcombe Avenue which said piece of land is for the purpose of identification only more particularly delineated in the plan annexed hereto and thereon edged pink and blue …"


Rights of way, rights of access and other easements will then be provided. Detail of easements can be extremely lengthy, and the language used archaic. Punctuation is usually omitted so that the sense of the document cannot be twisted by incorrect punctuation.


Declarations such as: "the purchaser and persons deriving title under him are not to become entitled to rights of light or airspace or other such easements", may be included, or that party walls and other shared facilities such as drains and sewers are to be enjoyed on the terms specified.

Personal Covenants and Restrictive Covenants

Covenants will be included and may be referred to in considerable detail. If the detail is very large they may be included in a schedule of covenants at the end of the conveyance.


An indemnity for non-observance of personal covenants will usually be provided.

Acknowledgement of Right to Production

The purchaser will be entitled to a copy of any documents retained by the Purchaser affecting his ownership of the conveyed property. Any such will have been retained by the vendor in connection with his own property, from which the property conveyed probably once formed part of. Any such documents will be specified.

Certificate of Value

A certification will be provided to the effect that the sale does not form part of a larger transaction or series of transactions. This is to enable stamp duty to be quantified.


Finally, the Deed will be signed, sealed and delivered.

To obtain copies of Conveyances affecting a property, that have been retained by the Land Registry in electronic format, you should apply for a Associated Documents Search. The cost is £29.95 as a one off fee for all the Deeds retained for that title.

Associated Documents Search

Associated Documents

Deeds creating Restrictions, Covenants, Easements, etc. are often kept digitally by the Land Registry and made available for sale due to their invaluable detail and content to assist in further understanding the Restrictions, etc.


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Title Register

The Land Registry Title Register holds data relating to the property ownership, purchase price, mortgage, tenure, covenants, rights of way, leases and class of title.


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Title Plan

The Title Plan shows an outline of the property and its immediate neighbourhood, and uses colours to identify rights of way, general boundaries and land affected by covenants.


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